Friday, October 17, 2014

Changing With The Season & Budget Friendly Organic Eating

October already? Fall is one of my favorite seasons because of the color changes in the trees, hearing the leaves crunch under my feet, and pumpkin pie.  This can also be a time of year that for some, can bring workout-related anxiety:  
"How do I get my workout in when the weather is yucky?" 
"I don't have time to workout because of activities my kids are involved in!"  
"What? Now it's dark outside when I want to workout?"

What to do when the weather is less than perfect and you want to be outside
Why does the weather have to be perfect?  This is one of my favorite times to run outside! Clothing manufacturers are now making super cute and light weight raincoats.  Not like when I was a kid where it was bright yellow rubber, and you immediately started to sweat just looking at the thing!  If you are a smart shopper, you can find a great light weight raincoat with a hood for about $20.00.  Invest in some socks that will keep your feet warm even if they get wet.  I like Smartwool brand socks!  They are a great investment because you can wear them all year around.
 You don't have time to workout because you are running the kids all over the place
Try a Tabata (I will give you one at the end of the blog to use)!  A Tabata only takes 4 minutes.  You can break up your normal workout time (60 minutes, for example) into 10 minute mini workouts.  Park out a little further in a parking lot when going to the kid's activity, and then speed walk to the building or field.  Take the stairs whenever possible. One of the easiest things to do is walk around when at your kid's activities.  When my kids were younger, I was the parent doing a wall sit at a meeting if people were standing around the walls. When I took my daughter to University for an audition I went running to see what the town was like.  Mind you, I got lost, but I met some people and learned about the town.  If you don't have a hour to dedicate to a workout--that's okay!  Just move.  We are so caught up in getting 60 minutes in and feeling that anything less just isn't as effective.  This is not true!  Sitting in a chair and being upset because you don't have 60 minutes to devote to a workout is a waste of your time.  Instead--move and do what you can do.  I have a friend who taught me on the days I don't have time to workout, do what I can (MOVE!) and then "bank" my leftover workout time.  For example--I only had 20 minutes to exercise today, so I rolled the remaining 40 minutes into my workout time allotment for tomorrow.
  What? Now it's dark outside when I want to workout!  
This means you probably have to go indoors to workout if you are concerned about the darkness.  Join a fitness class or hire a personal trainer is a simple option.  My studio definitely gets busier when the weather gets colder. Not only because some people don't like to workout in the colder weather, but they need the motivation and accountability.  During the FUSE Challenge class at the studio, we have a great time, and people love the companionship of working out with others and not only challenging themselves but each other.  This isn't an exclusive group--we have new people join the class all the time, and they keep coming back!  They appreciate the variety of the workouts as well as  hearing other people being honest about how they feel about working out.  

The whole point to all of this is try not to give up, you have worked hard at being healthy! Just keep moving whether the conditions are perfect or not.  We get way too caught up in what doesn't work instead of being happy with what does work.  Summer and warm weather shouldn't be the only reason you workout harder.  I train all year round, not because I only have one oar in the water (well--I do sometimes, but that's another blog)....but because I like the variety, and not getting hung up on one thing.  If I did only work out when the conditions were all 100% perfect--I would get bored and quit--and for me, that is not an option.  Don't get stuck in a rut!  Try a new adventure with every season!


1.  Do you prefer ice or heat for muscle soreness?
Personally, I am not a big fan of ice.  I have fibromyalgia, and it hates ice.  That is not to say I don't use ice if I have an injury.  Notice I said injury.  Heat and stretching are a great thing for muscle soreness, however, be careful not to over stretch when your muscles are warm.  Not moving is the worst thing you can do for your muscles when you have soreness!  Yes, you might swear a little, but the less you move--the longer your muscles will be sore.  My favorite 4 things to do when my muscles are sore:
  • Foam Roll Yes! I am a foam roll believer!  But it is not for everyone and that's why I don't recommend it to every one of my clients.
  • Stretching (Sometimes I whine a little--or a LOT--when stretching during times of muscle soreness).
  • Heat This could be with a rice pack in the microwave, electric heating pad, or warm shower.
  • Mobility Drills
2. Do you charge a fee for  someone who doesn't show up or who cancls less than 12 hours in advance?
To be honest, this question makes me a little uncomfortable.  I have a great group of business advisors who have my best intentions in mind at all times.  From them--I have gotten a bit of reprimand about adhering to policy.  Bottom line--yes, there is a policy like this in place, and I need to start using it.  Here is the policy: if you give less than 12 hours notice for a class or just don't show up, you need to pay just like if you were at the class.  Someone else could have used your spot.  Just because Facebook says I have room available doesn't mean that I actually do.  Clients are not always on Facebook and get ahold of me personally to register for a class.  Personal Training Clients are held to the the same policy:  if you don't show up or cancel less than 12 hours, you need to pay for the session.  I know that emergencies and illnesses happen (they happen to me too) so I am understanding of emergencies.  

3.  Do you rent out studio space?  Yes I do!  I have a wonderful studio and two offices that I am looking to fill.  Also, I am having a new studio built which means my business will now have two studios.  Trust me: I love to work and if I could, I would work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (thank you, Mom and Dad for the workaholic tendencies!)  Obviously, working 24/7 is not an option, so I am looking for some awesome, talented, and well-qualified people to rent studio space, an office, or both.  This would mean you could teach that class you have always wanted to and dreamed of doing. You can pay by the hour, monthly, or I do a split to rent the studio.  You would be renting space either way, and be your own boss.  If you are interested, you must have liability insurance to teach a class at the studio.  You can email me at: for more information.

Budget Friendly Organic Eating

In a perfect world, organic eating would be cheaper than eating junk.  Unfortunalty, until more people eat organic this will always be a battle.  Not to say things haven't gotten better with pricing and varieties available, but we are still a long way off.  Eating organic is better for you!  Some of the benefits of eating organic include: Less pesticides (making it easier for you to digest food), higher nutritional values than mass-produced food, and organic farming is better for the environment.  I challenge you to go to the supermarket, buy an organic apple and an apple covered in the wax to preserve it.  You will notice a difference in the taste.  So how do you save money when you want to eat organic but are on a tight budget?  Start to build an organic pantry. Don't go out and buy everything at once, begin to collect a few things over time.  Watch for sales! A lot of supermarkets closeout items.  Contact companies that sell organic items ask for coupons.  Find your favorite organic product on Facebook and like it--there are often special offers for just Facebook fans.  Tell your friends what you are looking for, and they might spot a deal. Buy fruits and veggies that are on sale, prepare them & freeze for later (yummy!)
Items for your pantry should be things that last longer than a month, such as:
1.  Brown Rice
2.  Canned Tomatoes
3.  Quinoa
4.  Popcorn
5.  Olive Oil
6.  Dried Beans
7.  Broth
8.  Spices
9.  Oats
These are just a few ideas.  On the days I don't have a lot of time, I will cook up some veggies and pour a can of tomatoes over it.  Dinner is now done!  Also, there is a group of foods being called the "Dirty Dozen".  If you can't eat organic all the time, it is recommended that you try not to buy foods on the "Dirty Dozen" list (and while we're on the topic-- the Dirty Dozen was an awesome movie!).
Trying to eat organic takes time to get used to, so don't go all out overnight.  You will get frustrated and feel like you broke the bank.  Take time with it and be patient.  If you aren't eating organic, then try to adjust to 10% of organic eating to start.  I am at about 85% now, and it has taken me well over a year.  

There is a new season upon us! Take the time to enjoy the fall colors, try a new workout, try some organic foods, and smile.  Life is about making changes and enjoying those changes even if we are unsure about them.  It is okay to say "I tried it and didn't like it".  It's not okay to say "I won't try it because I won't like it".  

New Class Times & Class

Build Out Of The New Studio!

Demo Has Begun

Get Ready For More Exciting Classes

Friday, September 19, 2014

Are You The Bamboo or The Tree?

Yes, I am a Bruce Lee fan! Not only because he was awesome, but he had some wonderful insights into life.

The picture above has one of my favorite quotes.  Think about it!  All the trees that are down after a storm sometimes even being pulled up by the roots.  Why? Because trees can only bend so far, and then will crack or pull up from the roots.  Yes, a tree is strong, but a piece of bamboo is even stronger and has more flexiblity.

Here is fun fact from Discovery Magazine:  "Ounce for ounce, bamboo is stronger than wood, brick, and concrete. Consider the aforementioned compression test. What that figure means is that, compared with, say, concrete, bamboo can withstand twice as much force bearing down on it. A short, straight column of bamboo with a top surface area of 10 square centimeters could support an 11,000-pound elephant." What if we thought of our lives in terms of being that piece of bamboo instead of that stiff tree?  

I picture a breeze blowing: the tree is swaying in the breeze, but you can tell it is not embracing the breeze--it is fighting to stay upright in the position it has been in for the last 20 years.  Fighting to reach the sky to seek out the most sun.  Strong, yet unmoving.  Now picture that bamboo swaying with breeze not fighting it, but embracing it.  Allowing it to blow over it, around it, through it.  All the while being flexible so it saves itself from breaking.  

I am trying to apply the bamboo thought process to my life.  This includes eating, exercise, relationships, my attitude, etc.  I am always fighting to change my body no matter what to save myself.  Instead of embracing and being more comfortable in my own skin.  Why do I fight trying new ways of eating?  I think:   "I do not want to give up my favorite treats!" Why can't I be flexible and bend towards a new way of thinking?  What is stopping me?  

I seem to be that tree, not willing to embrace the wind.  Not allowing that breeze to help mold me into a different individual, with a different way of looking at food and a different way of responding to my (sometimes) negative self.   So what if I have to bend one way to see if something works?   Why do I beat myself up when it doesn't work?  Why do I think failing at something is a reason to quit?   Because I am that tree--unwilling to be flexible in all directions. Permanently planted in my way of thinking, stubborn to the point of not succeeding.  

Part of my studies towards becoming a Health Coach includes exploring new ways of eating, exercising, taking time for myself, learning, and allowing myself to be the bamboo: embracing, breathing deeply, looking at my true self and accepting (with confidence!) who I am at this moment in the breeze of life.  

I am learning to feel the breeze of life and move with it--not against it, and to be willing to embrace it all. 

New things are happening at the studio for this Fall/Winter!  

Some truly awesome people will be renting studio space from me to offer new classes to the community.  These classes will be separate from my business, so clients will pay the instructor directly.  Stay tuned!  More info coming soon!

I am also going to be adding some new morning small-group personal training classes.  

Times will be changing for Kettlebell for late September/early October.  Kettlebell will be held at 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM for the following dates:  9/23, 9/30, 10/7.  On those dates, I will be taking part in Dragon Boat training and there is a slight time conflict (thus the reason to temporarily change the class time).  Thank you for your understanding and support while I pursue my Dragon Boat love.  

I have been training a group of Supermoms for the past 6 weeks.  This is a private group training class that I was asked to start for a small group of Moms with autistic children. I am excited to be offering this class because I have learned so much from these truly SUPER Moms. If you know any Moms with autistic children who may be interested in an exercise class with other Supermoms, have them contact me.


I am often asked questions about the studio and my pricing, so please read on for more information. 
1.  What makes your place different than a gym?  My studio has no "open gym" time which means you are in a small group or private training.  You have more specialized training which allows me to focus on you or a group.  GroupX (group exercise) classes at typical gyms can have anywhere from 12-30 people in them at one time.  I keep my small group classes to no more than 10 (unless a special requesst is made for more than 10 people in a class).  

2.  Why do other training studios charge more than you?  My goal is to keep my prices affordable for everyone.  $45.oo per one hour individual training session is not the Michigan average-- $60.00-$120.00 per one hour session is the norm in this area.  I am not saying other places are wrong in their prices, this is just what sets me apart from those other places.  Also, my rates do not reflect a lack of qualification on my part.  I am proud and willing to review my certifications and experience with any client (current or prospective).  

3.  Why do you want to train everyone and not just a specialized group?  Simply put:  I do not want to limit myself or my clients.   My training is for people of all levels of fitness--whereas some large gyms do not offer training, for example, to people with physical limitations. I love training people that I can push beyond what they thought they were capable of doing!  That could mean a person who could do 30 burpees in under a minute to a person who thought they could never do one burpee!  I find an equal sense of accomplishment  in training someone who may be challenged with something as seemingly simple as balance.  How rewarding  for that client (and for me as a trainer) to be able to see their balance and confidence improve.  It might not be the equal physical exertion of doing a burpee, but the benefit is the same.

Ready for a Challenge?   

1.   Agree to walk/run/bike/treadmill for 1 mile everyday for 10 days-Starting Monday, September 22nd, 2014
2.  Like my Facebook Page if you haven't already.  Amyjo's Howe About Personal Training LLC
3.  Download the app Charity Miles app (free app)
4.  Use it to track your to Walk/Run/Bike/treadmill
5.  Post to my business Facebook page everyday your 1 mile or more 
6.  Complete the challenge and be entered in a drawing to win a prize.  Watch the video when visiting the website and remember a company donates to the charity that you choose.  It doesn't cost you anything and you are donating by walking/running/biking.  

Check out my Dragon Boat coach's Facebook page:  He has a great class starting next week to learn the paddling technique of Dragon Boating. 
The OleMan's Adventure

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Respect the NINJA! 4 week Strength Training Series

I love smoothies!  Seriously if I could just drink smoothies for life I would be happy.  When I talk smoothies I am talking organic everything, more veggies than fruit, raw super-greens, & raw protein.  Yummy!  Why do I like smoothies so much?

1.  I am lazy when it comes to cooking
2.  Cooking and I are not friends sometimes (I can't make bacon for my family unless I bake it)
3.  I love to bake!
4.  It hits my system faster giving me a great pick me up.
5.  I just love smoothies!

Picture from Pinterest
 I have the awesome food prep Ninja blender thing & I have worn the crap out of it.  So I decided to invest in a new "blender" so I could share the love of smoothies with my clients.  I did about 20 minutes of research on "blenders" and switched over to looking at food processors for a few seconds. Now food processors I know about because I broke 3 of them (My thoughts on them are the same as shop vacs, everyone needs one because they are awesome). But I'll talk about those later.

I went back to the "blender." I looked into the Vitamix-- I would love to get one but I don't have that much money to invest.  As my business adviser would say, "You don't have money for that" HA!
(side note: I used that against her when she said, "You need a fan in your studio." "Sorry, I don't have the money for that!")

With the 20 minutes of extensive research under my belt I was ready to purchase the Ninja MEGA Kitchen System (sounds so much cooler than Vitamix)-  it was going to be the newest member of the "I like to beat stuff up" club.  It came with the huge pitcher,  6 blade "weapon," 2 single serve cups, 1 blade "weapon," bowl, 2 different blade "weapons," lower price tag & a smoothie book! I used it with my clients this last Saturday for smoothies after class.  It was magical! Like fireworks and unicorns kind of magical!

Unfortunately, as I was using it a second time and cleaning it I forgot the 6 blade "weapon" was one.  Cut my index finger and interrupted my getting ready to make a smoothie time.  You know I wrapped a towel around that finger and made my smoothie with the other hand.  Moral of the story Ninja MEGA Kitchen System needs to be respected.

"It is the greatest mistakes of all to do nothing because you can only do a little.  Do what you can" Sydney Smith

Enough of the Ninja lets talk about walking.  While walking the other day, I started thinking to myself, "I am only walking. I really should be working out." So as usual I started thinking about it in more detail.  Why don't we consider walking working out?  Am I not moving?  My heart is pumping, I've got a little sweat going on,  I'm not sitting at home watching TV...  Why is walking so negative? Even as a trainer I have told clients in the past, "Well, walking is better than doing nothing".  Yes, I get the whole thing of making workout more intense the more you workout.  But walking is not normally bad for you unless you suffer from some kind of medical condition.

Here is what cracks me up- I have new clients come in to tell me there doctor recommended they start working out by doing a cycling class, start running, try Kettlebell, start doing CrossFit, etc.  Seriously, why would you ask someone that can't take the stairs to get into there doctors appointment or come to their appointment with me to start running?  How about we start asking people to move beyond what they are doing now.  How about walking outside everyday for 5 minutes than adding 5 minutes on when it starts to become easier.  Why don't we take that approach instead of you really need to be doing 60 minutes of exercise everyday to get healthy.  We burn people out or overwhelm them & the body to the point of wanting to give up- and most people end up listening to their bodies and quitting.

Here is a question I always ask my clients "what are you doing for a workout now?"  Most times I hear "nothing" or "I just walk a couple of miles everyday."  Okay, lets explore "nothing."  Do you have kids?  Do you ever go walking with them?  How fast do they walk?  Hello, that is considered working out.  Just because you just "walk" or go for a "bike ride" doesn't mean you are not working out. When you have reached that stage of actively working out,  a triathlete, CrossFit, workout at least 4 times a week for 60 minutes you can make walking an "active" rest day.  Meaning you are not at the high intensity but you are still getting the body to move and it considers it active resting.  Don't be discouraged that you are "only walking" you are moving and your body will see results from it.

NEW CLASS! I am offering a 4 week series on Mobility & Strength Training for the walker/jogger/runner.  It will start August 7th to get your ready for the fall races coming up, or if you are simply looking to add strength training for your current workout.  The goal of this series is to make it as easy and convenient for you to begin adding mobility drills & weights or body weight training to workout.  Mobility & Strength are the foundation to keep your body from getting injuries and to prevent future ones.  I can't guarantee you won't get injured in life but you will be able to say I am trying ways to prevent it.  Strength training will help increase your endurance, make you feel stronger , more stable, & increase your ability to move.

If you are interested the class will be on Thursday nights 4 weeks at 7:00pm starting August 7th, 2014.  3400 Pinetree, Lansing, MI 48911 Fee:  $50.00 per person due on the first day of class, pre-registration is required. Email me at or post a comment below.  RSVP by August 4th, 2014.

What you get with the series:
1.  Knowledge of body mechanics
2.  Foundation of strength training techniques
3.  Written Workout for home specifically designed for you (not a cookie cutter workout)
4.  Ability to train the whole body
5.  Warm up & Stretching for pre & post workout
6.  Knowledge of working with injuries
7.  Meet new people with like minded interests.


15 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

10 Jumping Jacks or Low Jacks
10 Skaters
10 Side to Side Hops
10 Forward & Back Hops
10 Push Ups
10 Heel Crunches (legs 90 degree, crunch, touch sides of heels)

Smoothie Love

1 cup Almond Milk
1 cup water
1 cup frozen organic berries
1 banana
1 handful spinach
1 handful kale
1/2 cucumber
1 scoop of protein powder ( I use Garden of Life Raw Protein)
1 scoop of super-greens (I use Garden of Life Raw)
Blend it all up and drink away

Have a wonderful day and do something amazing for yourself!
Amy Jo

Monday, June 9, 2014

I'm Choosing Not To Entertain Your Negativity!

The title to this blog post might sound a little harsh to some, but this phrase has been my mantra for the past couple of months.  I can't entertain my negativity nor anyone else's anymore.  I don't have time for it anymore and it only brings me stress which effects my business and personal life.

I choose not to justify why I left my job in December 2013. I choose not to explain why I am doing the things that I am doing now.  I choose not to worry about why some people feel the need to ask to my clients how my business is going.  I choose not to worry why some people feel the need to question why I left my job to spend more time with my family, yet  I started my own business which tends to take more time away from my home.  Seriously, I wasted time and worry about this stuff -- and for what.   

If you ask me a question, and I feel as if I am going to analyze the heck out of your question when I get home, I am going to ask you "Why?" Kind of like "Hey Amy, are those new purple pants?"  I am going to say back "Why?" instead of going home and saying to myself, "Do they think I look fat? Is my underwear showing? Do I look like Barney the purple dinosaur? Holy crap why did they ask me that?"  Try it yourself- you will be amazed at the responses from people. 

William James once said, "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." I want to talk about stress and the effects it has on your life.  I am not going to quote statistics, medical journals, or use charts. Instead, I'm going to use my dad as an example for what stress can do to your health.  My dad is my hero.  I am proud of my dad and always will be.  He has always worked hard and supported his family.  He could fix anything, build anything, and help with any problem.  Our family vacations were spent in a fixer upper cabin.  My dad, mom, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and grandparents all helped with the renovations of the cabin.  After my dad  retired, he worked even harder - on the cabin, on community issues, you name it and he was involved in it.  He would leave early in the morning before the sun would come up and wouldn't return home until midnight.  He volunteered for everything, president of a neighborhood, spoke at city council, active in the community and the list goes on and on. 

My dad suffered his first stroke about 3 years ago even drove himself to the hospital (I wouldn't recommend that, by the way. Call an ambulance!).  He has some issues after the stroke, but still kept going at his same break- neck speed. Then he had another stroke.  This time he had a lot more damage and a longer hospital stay but returned home.  My mom took care of my dad the entire time and (she is my other hero).

Last month my dad fell because he was being his usual stubborn self and not listening to my mom.  He fractured some vertebra and is now in a rehab facility trying to get better so he can go back home. I went up to visit him the other day and found him sitting in his wheelchair while my mom pushed him around outside.  There was a part of the outdoors my mom couldn't take him to because it was too hard for her to push him up the hill.  I grabbed the wheelchair and starting running with it- my mom freaked out! We got up the hill and waited for mom to catch up.  He got to see the fish and all of the flowers that he hadn't seen yet.  I took him to the dining hall and I sat with him, talking about everything that is going on in life.  He didn't say much just listened.

When I got out to my car after my visit, I cried. I miss my dad, the man that currently exists is still my dad-- just different.  I can't ask for his advice, he can't come over to fix whatever I can't figure out,  he can't take his grandkids anymore in the van to work with him at volunteer jobs. He's different, and I miss what I had with him.

Why am I sharing my sob story? Because he is my daily reminder to take care of myself- and hopefully will be a reminder to take care of yourself, too.  My dad had high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes from the years he didn't take care of himself.  I wonder if he would have taken care of himself before this all happened, would his life be any different?  Knowing my dad he would do it all again the same way, except maybe slow down a little. But not much. So please take time for yourself, go for that walk, eat some more veggies, do that race you have always wanted to do, lose those extra 5 pounds, go do something fun with friends, take that family vacation, give less crap what other people think, who cares if that co-work doesn't like you, start that business you have always wanted to do and of course hire that personal trainer...haha!

Okay enough tears! On to the happy stuff!  I have a new studio!  I am so excited and scared at the same time!  Heavy bags are hung, TRX's are mounted, weights are place, sandbells are stacked and etc.  3000 square feet of fun!  I moved about 3 weeks ago and had lots of help.  Thank you everyone for the patience, sweat, and encouragement.

I had someone ask me the other day if I am going to be teaching big classes. In the fitness industry you will hear it referred to as "group x" or "group exercise".  Right now I am focusing on small group personal training, one on one, tandem, or specialized groups.  I want my clients to have that personal attention.  It is a whole new ball game when you go to a group x class and there are 20 some people. The instructor can only do some much during that time.  I am not opposed to group x, I just want my focus to be a little different. 

Someday the studio will offer group x and it will be amazing! Come check out the studio and take a class!

My advice to you give less crap about what people think, go for it, and make it yours!

Recipe for the week:
Chickpea Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 & 1/4 cups Cooked Chickpeas
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons organic natural peanut butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup mini chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life)

Grind it all up together using a food processor except the chocolate chips.  When it looks like cookie dough fold in chocolate chips.  Place by tablespoons on a lined cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 for about 14 minutes.  They won't cook up like regular cookies but they taste yummy! Store in  Refrigerator.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Waking the Dragon and Walking for a Cure

Wow!  Who could imagine so much could happen in a weekend!  My Saturday starting out teaching a great group of people for the FUSE Workout. What's FUSE?  It's a small group training class I offer a few days a week, with a focus on FUSE: Fitness, Understanding, Strength, and Endurance. The regulars in this class always show up ready to give it their all.  We work it all and then some.

After the class, I got to work with the Lansing Dragon Boat Team. I'm using the word "work" lightly because it was SO. MUCH. FUN. Last year I was introduce to this amazing person named Rob Flanders, the captain of the Anahata Dragon Boat Team.  I instantly had respect and love for this person that I had only known for 5 minutes, but I knew little about what "dragon boat racing" was.

Later in the year, I was contacted by Rob to discuss off-season Dragon Boat Team training.  When we met in person to talk training, I was introduced to his wonderful partner, Johanna Johnson.  I instantly had respect and love for this person too, and the passion they have for each other bleeds into the dragon boat team. Rob took the time to explain what a dragon boat is, and the background of dragon boat racing. I was hooked. Here is Rob's (written) explanation:

"A dragon boat is a 42' long with a dragon head and tail, primarily used in competitions. There are 20 paddlers sitting on ten benches side by side along with a steers person and again a drummer in races.  The sport originates over 2,000 years ago in China, thus a Chinese dragon boat, and is based on the story of power, intrigue, integrity, betrayal and a suicide drowning of an artist statesmen. In commemoration of the death of the statesman dragon boating began.  It has become popular in the Western world since the mid 1980's (and the sport is) being dominated by Canada, Great Britain and Germany.  The USA is a 'baby' in the sport as we have been active for 15-20 years.  It is said that it is the fastest growing water sport in this country.  Living in the very s...l...o...w...mid-west who would know, right?

"Anyway, there are many beautiful attributes to this sport such as it being, gender, age and size neutral.  Most races are 'mixed races' which require at least 8 males and 8 females.  Due to the shape of the boat people of different height, size and weight are needed.  The purpose is to get 20 people doing the exact same paddle stroke at the very same, exact time...can you imagine...20 people doing this...not only would we go fast...we would change the world.  And you are doing this outside, on the water...too cool.  Oh yeah, it takes effort so you are exercising at the same time.  To me, it is the ultimate team sport, there are no different positions, or duties...everybody is the same...a paddler...working with 19 other!  It is the ultimate way to get out of yourself and to be a part of something bigger than yourself..."

First paddle of season
After the explanation, he put me on this thing that looked like a rowing machine (erg) with an unusual seat and pole (paddle).  The stroke or technique wasn't anything I had experienced in past training. I was instantly hooked and ready to get out on the water. I signed on to train the team right then and there.

I started training the Dragon Boat for their off season strength/cardio, and it has been nothing but a thrill ride.   What a wonderful and amazing group of people.  Sure they swear at me and hate me during a workout but they secretly love me (I think).

Rob (standing) giving us technique drill 
This last Saturday my dream became a reality -- I was on the water paddling with this Team of Awesomeness.  They even invited me to participate in the Awakening the Dragon Ceremony of getting the boat & dragon ready for this year's season.  The ceremony really showed the respect they have for each other, for their community community, and their respect for the boat itself.  The ceremony is beautiful- Dragon Boating SSA explains the ceremony better than I can:

"The traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is held on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar month (varying from lat May to middle June), which is traditionally considered a month of death and disease, evil and darkness, due to the high summer temperatures (in China).  Therefore, venerating the awakening Dragon was meant to avert misfortune and encourage rainfall, needed for the fertility of crops and prosperity of the people.  The annual celebration is mean to protect the people from evil & disease for the rest of the year."

"The Dragon Boat Festival was primarily held as a ceremony to awaken the hibernating 'Heavenly Dragon'.  Sacrifices, sometimes human, were involved in this ritual and it could be a violent clash with the crew members of the competing boats throwing stones and striking each other with cane sticks.  Originally, paddlers (or even an entire team) falling into the water could receive no assistance from onlookers as the accident was considered to be due to the will of this 'Dragon Deity' and could not be interfered with ....  If people drowned it was considered a sacrifice."

Awakening the Dragon Ceremony
"The ceremony called 'Eye Dotting' or 'Awakening the Dragon 'traditionally involves a Taoist priest dotting the protruding eyes of the dragon head carved on the boats, thus ending its slumber.  The ceremony is practiced at many Dragon Boat events throughout the world today, sometimes with event dignitaries performing the 'dotting of the eye'." 

Thankfully there were no human sacrifices this year. The dragon was woken up, the dragon's eyes were dotted, and we got to get on the water!

This is a group of people that love what they do.  It was an honor and privilege to be on the water with them and feel their "passion for paddling."  I am ready and willing to continue this adventure- as long as they don't sacrifice me to the dragon deity!

Survivors in front of Capitol Steps- 2012
 Sunday was the annual Susan G. Komen- Race for the Cure in Lansing Michigan.  The Komen Foundation puts on this national race to help raise funds for breast cancer cure research, to support those undergoing breast cancer treatment, to celebrate breast cancer survivors, and to honor those who lost the battle. Myself, my daughter, and three of our friends got together to walk and lend our support. It is such an emotional race to see how many people who are breast cancer survivors and those who are currently undergoing treatment, but the hardest is to see participants with the "In Memory" signs on their backs.  One person had 4 individuals on her "In Memory" sign.  To know that this person suffered so much loss due to one disease is heart-wrenching- and makes me want to do more for finding the cure.

I am very familiar with the Komen organization from working at the YMCA, and I was happy to support the organization once again.  They have a great grant program called Turning Point that has yoga and various exercise classes that are specifically designed for those battling breast cancer & survivors.  A participant's first year in the program is free and the participant can go to all participating locations in his or her location.

I learned of another breast cancer awareness (non-profit) program called It's a Breast Thing.  While I was getting my hair cut at Salon Savvy in East Lansing Michigan, I saw a brochure for It's A Breast Thing at Shirley's station.  I asked what the program was all about, and she introduce me to one of the ladies that helped start the program-- who was on staff at Salon Savvy. It's a Breast Thing helps cancer patients with out-of-pocket medical expenses.  We never really think about the cost someone accumulates with medical expenses even with medical insurance.

It's wonderful to be getting a haircut and find out how many people are supporting their community. Community support is all a part of living a healthy lifestyle.  You find those people that you want to be around and common goal. 

You might ask, "What does ANY of this have to do with fitness?"  It has EVERYTHING to do with it; if you are not an emotionally healthy individual, the workout will suffer. If you are too tired from staying up all night because you are worried, that effects your workouts.  Fighting with a family member or friend will make the workout suffer (okay, you can have a kick butt boxing me I know). 

This week has been a lot of dreams come true and has gotten my mind of being frustrated about my weight.  In fact, because of my refocusing on the world around me, I am doing so much better. Sometimes when we take our eyes off our own circumstances we can actually be a benefit to other people.  No one wants to be around a person that only thinks about their woes and problems all the time.  Don't get me wrong, I am not saying you shouldn't ever talk about your problems.  Just don't be that emotional "sucker" that drains everyone else around them to benefit yourself.  It gets old really fast and you might find yourself alone with your woes. 

I am trying to teach my clients that workouts are great but you really need to focus on the person as a whole.  I love it when my clients text me "I've had a hard day at work, and I really need you to kick my butt in training tonight." That doesn't mean I injure them or make it so they can't walk the next day.  What it says to me is, "Hey Amy, I have had a really hard day and I know working out is going to help me feel better.  Also, I might need to vent a little during my workout. So don't be surprised when I punch the bag extra hard today!"  I am great listener and great at making you sweat to forget the troubles of the day.  Don't give up, just try something new!

Amy Jo

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Frustration and Cardio

Living a "healthy lifestyle" can bring frustration just like living an "unhealthy lifestyle" can.  It might come in different forms, but the frustration is still there, no matter what kind of lifestyle you lead. 
I am going to share my own experience.  

A long, long time ago, in a far-away land called "Michigan," I lost over 160 pounds. I really thought my life would be magically changed when the weight came off. No more feeling "fat," I would always have a good hair, I would feel AMAZING, get along with everyone, in turn everyone would love me, and etc.  

Sadly that is not what has happened -- but let me tell you things are so much better than they have ever been.  Don't get me wrong I have bad days, just ask my friends that for some reason still listen to me.  Like right now. I have been struggling with my weight and injuries.  The other day I was riding my bike -- right now running is not my friend.  I still try to run twice a week but at around the 30 minute mark,  my Achilles starts to let me know that I am injured.  Yes I could keep running and ignore the pain- I have done so in the past... but that is why my Achilles is a mess. 

Okay, back to the bike ride (yes I chase rabbits…focus!).  I love riding my bike. It is my time to relax and yell at motorists for getting too close to me.  Yes, I do yell at people and I am not ashamed of my craziness.  While riding, I couldn't get the nagging feeling to go away. I was frustrated- I kept thinking, "I should be running right now, not biking. Get with it, Amy! Suck it up!"  

Then I started to get angry about it, "Why do I need to run?  I know tons of different exercises, I love boxing, riding my bike, CrossFit, lifting, sandbags, sandbells… seriously, Amy, what is your  problem!”  

I was making it a problem not embracing the fact that I can do all of that other stuff.

Thinking back 12 years ago I would have grabbed a bag of Doritos and smashed them inside a peanut butter sandwich to make myself feel better.  Instead I was out riding my bike to make myself feel better.  Right there was progress and I was finally embracing me!  

While giving myself a mental high-five, I turned my thoughts to my weight.  I don't weigh what I used to weight I'm not even close to 300 pounds.  I told myself, “This is good.  I workout more than ever and eat amazingly well.  OK, not perfect but no one is perfect!” 

Am I always improving my eating habits? Yes!  I eat mostly organic, don't drink Diet Mountain Dew anymore (or any soda), and try to stay away from processed foods.  I love lemon water, love Brussels sprouts (don't judge me), and looooove Hummus!  I’m doing ok- screw the numbers on the scale! I feel good.

“But the stress is there! Could that be why the scale is creeping up on me? Holy moly, I quit my job to run my own business and to spend more time with my family, but I need to expand the business!  But I love running my own business! Could the stress be taking its toll though? Am I doing too much? Too little? I need a doughnut.”

I am not telling you this because I think I am “all that."  Trust me, it’s crazy in my head, and you don't want to be in there at all.  

What I am saying is take a bike ride or a walk – just you. Take a hard look at where you were and where you are now.  You will be amazed at the changes in your life.  Take time to say to yourself, "I am doing this!"  Focus on the positive and really allow yourself to enjoy where you are at, not where you think you have to be today.  

Maybe, the second time around, take someone with you on that bike ride or long walk. Sometimes we need to someone else to help us see the positive when we are not there yet.  You have to be willing to listen to that person and except the positive feedback they give you. Take time to face yourself and have a real heart to heart.  

And maybe, just maybe, you’re overdoing it. Don’t just go for a run 4 times a week and ignore weight training. Do some resistance training, some weights, something different! And there’s science to back me up on this: had an article about how cardio can make you fat. Before you read this, know that I am not against cardio! It just needs to be a part of your workout routine, not every part. 

Here is how the body responds to endurance training: 

1. Endurance training raises stress hormones. Cortisol is your stress hormone that stores fat and breaks down lean muscle tissue. Muscle, which I call your body's "natural Spanx," helps boost your metabolism all day.

2. Endurance exercise doesn't require post-workout repair. Lower- and moderate-intensity don't require any metabolic post-exercise repair. In other words, fat burning and metabolism are not enhanced post-workout, so you get limited overall metabolic benefits.

3. Endurance exercise burns fewer calories. Because of its high intensity, burst training demands more calories.

Here is how the body responds to burst training:

1. Burst training raises your anabolic hormones. Exercise raises your stress hormones, period. But with burst training, you're also raising anabolic (building) hormones that counteract the stress hormones' negative effects.

2. Burst training helps your body handle stress and recover more efficiently.

3. Burst training raises lactic acid. Increased amounts of lactic acid spike growth hormone and support fat burning.

4. Burst training creates a bigger metabolic cost. In other words, metabolic recovery burns more calories (particularly fat calories) after you exercise. That's why I say burst to blast fat: burst training makes you an all-day fat-burning machine.

You really need to a have a wide variety in your workout.  If your weight is at a stand-still or you are gaining weight, you need to look at your eating first and your workout second. If you go through your eating journals and don't feel that is the problem, take inventory of your workout.  You have to keep the body guessing!  You know how you have to keep variety in your diet to get the most health benefits? You need to make sure you are doing the same for working out.  

Also, remember everybody is different. You just can't grab a book on running and assume the information in the book is designed exactly for your body.  You have to find out what works for your body, and that means trying new things. Just because you found something you think works doesn't mean it is for you if you are not getting the results you want or need.  Setting goals is amazing and a great thing to do but make sure your goal is not getting in the way of what your body is trying to tell you. 

Tell me how I can help you set your new goals! Sign up for a training appointment today, or post your questions below!