Sunday, March 23, 2014

Old School, New School, and New Gear

Lets' go back to some old school exercising!  Dust off that jump rope or go buy yourself a new one.  This great piece of equipment is portable and can be fairly inexpensive.  You can go really cheap on a jump rope which I tried but got really frustrated with it twisting into itself, so be warned.  Personally I like the "speed rope" for the speed you can gain with it.  Also, there is the incentive of the pain- a speed rope can inflict a sharp snap agains the shin bone if you miss, so don't miss, it hurts- a lot! Make sure your jump rope is sized for you. Buy one that can be adjusted.  Stand on the rope with feet spaced apart and make sure that the handles just come under the armpits. 

Benefits to the jump rope: A person can burn up to 20 calories per minute if you are doing intense workout.  It is also shown that jump roping is easier on the knees that running because there is less impact.

What I think I look like
What I really look like
I am really enjoying the Michigan Door to Door Organics.  My shopping list still needs some planning but,  besides that, I am going to keep doing it.  I especially love that fact I don't have to go to the store to buy meat!  I made the strawberry and chi pudding that was featured last week and I have one word for it: "Yummy"!

I would really like to talk about a company that I just started buying fitness clothing from, Thick to Thin.  The owner of the company, Andrea, has a great company with a positive outlook on fitness and fuctional comfortae clothing.  I especially love the messages she puts on her clothing. What really impressed me about this company is the post that Andrea put on the company page one night.  

"I'm about to rant here for a minute.  At the (apparel) show today, a women from Soffe told me that they don't sell apparel that fits big girls.  I immediately told her I sell cothing to all sizes because no matter what your size we all workout and try to be awesome and better ourselves no matter what size.  She told me then she really only sells to cheerleaders.  Ok. Point taken.  No one other thaen cheerleaders can workout.  I get it.  Everyone else is worthless.  Give me a break and who has the balls to say that to someone?  Needless to say I'll never buy your "$h!?".  Thanks.  I am awesome and everyone no matter their size, is awesome.  Rant over."  

Great job Andrea!  This one of the reasons why I will never buy Lululemon clothes again.  I went to one of their stores and was treated like I had never taken a shower before!  I even contacted the company's headquarters because I was so upset- I let them know I would never recommend their store to any of my clients.  They apologized and said they would investigate the matter.  Needless to say I never heard back from corporate.  

My thoughts on the whole thing? Some of these companies don't want to sell to larger size women or to men. It's just stupid. When I'm trying to work out and lose weight, I would like to look nice and be comfortable doing it.  These larger companys say they are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle, but their definition of "lifestyle" apparently doesn't cover people of all shapes and sizes. No, big company, you are not promoting a healthy lifestyle at all. The last time that I checked, a person's mind had a LOT of involvement in a person trying to lose weight. So telling a person who already has self-confidence issues that they're too fat to wear your company's clothes...  Such backwards mentality for companies that are suppose to help people look great working out. I will always choose to support companies that are trying to help people feel great about themselves, whether it is fitness clothing or in anything. I want to promote overall health and wellness in my business- and that includes feeling good about yourself.

Next week I will be talking about Salon Savvy and what they are doing to help people with breast cancer. mysalonsavvy
This week's workout!  
Jumping for the Bump
60 seconds Jump Rope
 20 Kettlebell Swings
60 seconds Jump Rope
20 Kettlebell Swings
60 seconds Jump Rope
60 seconds plank hold
60 seconds Jump Rope
60 seconds plank hold
If you don't have a Kettlebell you can use a dumbbell.  Be safe and have fun!

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