Sunday, September 6, 2015

My personal experience with the Biggest Loser Contestant & Fat Shaming

It has been awhile since I did a blog and it is time to start again.  Have to admit this is not my favorite thing to do for several reasons.   Also, I recently took a sabbatical from training clients.  It was not by choice but it gave me an opportunity to rest, focus on other things, find a beautiful studio, learn more about training & myself.  Hopefully this new way of blogging will give you an opportunity to know more about me, my style of training, why I do what I do, give you tools to help you with whatever journey you are on and of course make you laugh!

Let's talk about the Biggest Loser.  Every so many months I get the question of "what do you think of the Biggest Loser?"  I am not against nor for it.  In my opinion, if you works for you great!  However, I do ask my clients to pretend that they see me training someone on a treadmill that is significantly overweight. I have that person running until they can't run anymore and tell them to get up and keep going. What would you think of me?  What would you think of me as trainer?  Would you want to train with me?  Most say, no I would think you are mean and unsafe.  Exactly, that is why I won't do that type of training to a person.  I don't have a team of medical people standing around in case something goes wrong.  Also, that client will have a hard time maintaining that goal if I put that much stress on them mentally.  Remember these people are supervised 24 hours a day until they leave the ranch.  People need to find what works for them.  Training is not a one size fits all program.   A personal trainer in the real world is a person that helps you find what works for you, guides you, helps you meet your goals and keeps you safe. Sure there is more to it than that but that is simplest way to put it.   I have worked with someone that was on the Biggest Loser.  The client had gotten let go from "the ranch" and was on their own.  They came to see me because they had heard about my weight loss & wanted to be ready for the finale.  I am going to be careful what I say about my training with my client because my clients need to know that their anonymity is safe with me.  I am glad this person was on the Biggest Loser and very happy for  them.  I don't need to be in the spotlight, my clients are what matter to me, that is why I haven’t shared this before.  The client needs to be congratulated on their hard work, sacrifices, and new way of thinking about them is important.  Besides that I don't ever want my clients to think they aren't just as important as the person that was on the show.  All of my clients are important to me and I care for every one of them.  Also, I am thankful for them training with me and consider it a privilege.  

Nothing related to the show but I have been on TV, radio, articles, & etc.  I am the type of trainer that prefers to be in the background.  Not saying a trainer is wrong for wanting to be in the spotlight but that just isn't my thing.  If you have ever seen or heard me on the radio or TV I am highly uncomfortable.  Why am I telling you all of this?  It's time to let people know that I am a great trainer. I am always learning, changing my training techniques, and finding new ways to motivate clients. Clients need to be encouraged, not screamed at or worked so hard their goals are impossible to meet or maintain.  This leads me into my next topic that has been on my heart.

It frustrates me when I see social media used for "fat or exercise shaming" of other people! I have seen it with fitness professionals, personal trainers and people that have lost weight.  The people that have lost weight are what really get under my skin!  You should know better!  You have been in the same situation and know what it feels like.  I have some bad news for you just because you have lost weight doesn't make you an expert.  Let me say that again!  Just because you have lost weight doesn't make you an expert!  Stop telling people on social media they aren't worth anything if they aren't exercising or losing weight your way or not at all.  Shut your mouth!  It is not your job not your place unless they have asked for your help.   It makes me sick when a client shows me what someone has done to them on social media. Sure sometimes you are better at what you do and try to make it look like you are not talking about them.  People aren't stupid they know when someone is talking about them. You don't know their situation, health problems, limitations and mental status.  I tell my clients if people say that stuff to you, here is your reply. "What qualifies you?"   Just because a “shamer” lost weight, can run a 5k non-stop, takes an aerobics step class for the last 3 years and is amazing at the workouts on Youtube doesn't qualify them.  Just like me losing over a 100 pounds didn't qualify me to help anyone.  Now I am qualified to help people if they want it.  I have more certifications and training than the person that watches youtube.  I took a year training to become a Health Coach.  I have liability insurance and up to date certifications.   Does that make me a great trainer? I may not be the trainer for you but I will make sure you are safe to the best of my ability, have fun, learn new things about yourself, meet personal goals, and physical abilities. I also get “shamed” a lot in the fitness industry.  Well you don't look like a trainer!  Seriously you are a trainer?  Well if you can be a trainer I guess I certainly can!  Yeah, I have saggy boobs, big bum, flabby arms, old mans forehead to name of few.  Hello!  I have lost over 100 pounds I have lose skin!  Let me tell you though I have some amazing aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Don’t let the “shamers” win! Start asking people, "What qualifies you"?  

Stay encouraged my friends!
Amy Jo

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